Friday, January 4, 2008

By the numbers

So I’ve been checking out the blogs of my fellow Kona Challengers and I’ve been noticing that they’re pretty free with providing the details of their training and competition/event stats. In the interest of full disclosure, I thought maybe I should do some of that too …

Uh, and be nice when you see them, think of them as ‘triathlon stats for mere mortals’ I’m really only putting them out there to make everyone else feel better about their own stats!

One of the first stats that struck me was Scott’s note about his swim time improvements – which I’m totally impressed by – thank god he’s a guy and no where near my age group! His 50 meter time is 40 seconds, so the math wiz in me would roughly calculate his 100 meter time at 1:20 – wow! I’m pretty sure my pool is measured in yards – so I know this might be a little off, but last time I timed myself, my 100 yd time was 2:20 … hmm, is it possible that 100 yds is actually about 175 meters? I’m hoping that’s the case, then I’d be neck and neck with Scott on the swim! Right?

Now Randy, well he’s the veteran triathlete of this group and his race stats and training stats are truly amazing, definitely something to aspire to. A recent blog entry shows him ranked 5th overall in his region, only a few spots beyond his son who he’s got almost thirty some years on … again, wow!

So that got me thinking - since I’m a card carrying member of the USAT and with the 4 races I did last year, well, I must be ranked someplace. So I looked myself up – turns out only a couple of my races qualify for ranking (the other races were in Canada). But still, I am a somebody and I’ve got stats! You ready for this? Ok here goes, first number is my rank, second is the # of people in the category, remember, I said be nice!

5392/7358 Ranking per New England region

I’m thinking putting myself in with guys isn’t really fair, maybe I did better against just women:
1483/2589 Ranking per females in the New England region

Ok, now were talking I went from the top 73% to almost breaking the halfway mark by being in the ‘top 57%’ of women in my region, but if more people are ahead of you, is it more accurate to say I’m in the ‘bottom 43%?’

Wait a minute, how about my by my age? Yeah that’s gotta make a difference:
267/432 Ranking per females 40-44 in the New England region

Finally broke into the top 1000, but seeing how there’s only 432 women in my age group I guess that’s nothing to get too excited about plus percentage wise it’s worse at 61%

Ok, I’ve got it, finally “TOP 10” and I’m not talking about top 10 in the state, I’m “TOP 10” overall in the WHOLE COUNTRY!! So watch out you guys!
10/14 Ranking per females with the last name of ‘Hoffman’ in the USA

It gets even more impressive when you only look at my region – I’m 2nd!!
2/2 Ranking per females with the last name of ‘Hoffman’ in the New England region.

Suddenly I’m feeling pretty good about my chances in this whole Ironman thing, after all isn’t it really just a matter of showing up? ;-)

(written with tongue firmly placed in cheek and in total awe of Scott and Randy’s stats!)


Becky said...

Nice work, ML...Top 10 in whole country and you and Kaley Hoffman were neck and neck! :)

I know this was tongue in cheek, but I can't help but point out that while you may not be swimming 50 in 40 many meters were you swimming a year ago? And don't even get me started on how your running has you don't even bat an eye at a 1.5 hour run.

Now, I know with your accounting background you like to talk numbers, but we psychologists like to talk more about the less obvious, but sometimes more meaningful changes. :)

You know I had to put my 2 cents in on this one...

Scott Sharpe said...

I maybe didn't mention that my 25m time was for only 25 metres! It wasn't an average over a KM. If I go 1000m it probably drops to 30-33secs/25m. BUT, my fastest swim times for 25m a few months ago was 27-28 secs/25m, so I am happy with the improvements I've made. I had a good laugh at the blog, you have to put things in perspective, and if its about being the one of the best HOFFMAN's in the country, than thats good enough.


Mary Lou said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence Becky - I do appreciate it, and fair enough on my swimming ability a year ago, since the answer to your question would be "ZERO!" so ok, ok, point taken.

And Scott, 25m or 2500m - your times are impressive, seriously, and you should be psyched with your progress (btw, I loved your holiday post, and your kids are adorable too!!) .. and how sad that I'm reduced to ranking myself against another dozen with the same last name - I tried to compare myself just to other 'Mary Lou's" but didn't really fare any better!! :-)

Theresa said...

hi ML,

congrats on you new venture!! I know you'll do great

Happy new year!!

Hi to Gully.