Saturday, January 19, 2008

Swimming Counts

Prior to my involvement in this contest I would schedule my workouts for the week with a mix of mainly runs and bikes (or spins or other cardio) with the occasional strength session and a swim thrown in here and there when I thought I could manage to get to the pool.

The swims were always at night and if I had them scheduled I’d usually try to get in an early morning cardio session since otherwise I was ‘only swimming.’ Swimming was a pain to coordinate and technically difficult, but it wasn’t a hard cardio workout. My heart rate rarely got into my training zone. Since you’re already in the water, well, I never felt a good ‘sweat’ like I do with other cardio exercises and it never provided a decent calorie burn, in other words, when scheduling my workouts, swimming didn’t count.

Do something right and my oh my how it changes things! Since starting my training with Cadence swimming has become the most mentally, physically and technically demanding discipline of triathlon for me. I’m a ‘new’ swimmer, having started just over a year ago by taking lessons and spending my Saturday mornings last winter at a local high school pool with the ‘Swim America’ kids. So to say I’ve got a lot to learn and a long way to go is a huge understatement. Swimming takes the most thought, the most effort, the most time related to the distance covered, where I’ve got the most to learn and where I have the opportunity for the most room for improvement.

So I think I’m finally starting to get it. Like training in the other disciplines, it doesn’t help to be fatigued at the start. When you do it right it’s hard – physically and technically – but it feels good in the end. Improvements come in very small increments and coaching, guidance and evaluation by those who know what they’re doing makes all the difference in my ability to improve.
The swim may be the shortest leg of the race, but for me it is definitely the most challenging and it definitely counts!


Becky said...


Anything that causes wicked debilitating cramps like I got last week HAS to count! Not to mention I can't recall ever getting bad calf or foot cramps while running or biking...wait a minute, who said swimming was "easier" on your body!? :)

That said, none of the above "ailments" occurred when I was just swimming to swim, with no real purpose. Apparently, I need to be told exactly what to do and when...don't get any ideas. :)

Mary Lou said...

I agree about the cramps, but I also usually only get them when I swim AFTER spinning or weights - cause I never thought it who cares how fatigued you are at the start ... no more, time to give the water sport it's due!!

And don't worry, no directives from me on your training, you've got a knack for overdoing it all by yourself! ;-)

Becky said...

I have NO idea what you're talking about...but you are right about giving swimming its due, it certainly kept me sane when I was broken! :)

cora said... mom has been keeping me updated with all of your motivating progress, and I've finally read your blog. AMAZING, it's like some story that makes me want to get in shape, but also makes me think, no, I could never do what she is doing. I want to take some credit for your love of riding, so I figured that putting me on your handlebars and taking me to play putt-putt was really the starting point! Just let me know if you need anyone to sit on your handlebars for the race, I figure why not push some extra weight right?? I'm going to keep reading and praying for you and your success. Can I say WOW again? I know that you have heard it a million times by now, but I want to add to it, and tell you that you look amazing, and as a "former athlete" I am in awe of you.

Mary Lou said...

OMG - so great to hear from you! I've missed seeing you when you've been in town - how's life in texas? Rumor has it you're gonna have the whole family moving down there one of these days!

Thanks SO much for your note - so sweet - and yes, yes - it all started with us riding out to play putt-putt - Thank god we never crashed - OMG - sooo unsafe (sorry!! :-)

And uh, excuse me, you were in the army - you told me about basic training -you could totally DO this!! Believe me if I can, ANYONE can - honestly. Get my email address from your mom - send me pictures of the family!

Take care Cora, it was a nice surprise hearing from you - keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

ML - but how do you practice for those kicks in the head? Oh, I know - you practice some more so you are out in front of the frenzy, right?

Are you looking forward to spring and the competition? Soon!

Keep swimming, running & biking in snowy NY. Kim